
Already Had Surgery, and Still in Pain?

Already Had Surgery, and Still in Pain?
Already Had Surgery, and Still in Pain?

The thought of having to undergo a revision surgery despite the first surgery not fully resolving your pain can be quite disheartening. However, it is important to understand such an unfortunate circumstance is usually caused due to multiple factors, many of which can happen even if the initial surgery went well and was done well.

Some other possible causes for needing revision foot or ankle surgery include:

  • Irritation of skin by previous implants
  • Loosening or breaking of embedded screws, pins, plates, etc.
  • Previous broken bones did not heal
  • Previous broken bones healed in the wrong position
  • Infection of your previous surgery
  • Failure to follow postoperative instructions

Revision surgeries are usually complex procedures and may involve repair or repositioning of ligaments, tendons, and bones within the foot and ankle. There may also be excision of damaged bone and joint realignment required. In certain cases, hardware and internal fixation devices placed during the initial surgery may have to be removed and new implants may need to be inserted. Fusion may also be required to relieve pain and stabilize the joint.

Revision surgeries can be more challenging to perform and there may be a high risk of complications such as failure of bones to heal adequately and damage to nerves or blood vessels. Therefore, it is best that they are performed by an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in foot and ankle disorders.

Dr. Bryant Ho is a foot and ankle specialist who treats all disorders of the foot and ankle including arthritis, tendon ruptures, deformities, acute trauma and fractures, repair of non-unions, total ankle replacements and repair of cartilage lesions.

Dr. Ho has the necessary training and considerable experience required to perform salvage and revision foot and ankle surgeries; and would be happy to evaluate your specific condition. Every attempt will be made to treat the problem conservatively if possible. However, if revision surgery is your best option to relieve foot pain and regain function, Dr. Ho will do everything necessary to ensure a positive surgical outcome.

Book an appointment today for an accurate assessment and treatment of your foot and ankle condition.

Dr. Ho is an orthopedic foot and ankle specialist who treats all disorders of the foot and ankle including arthritis, tendon ruptures, deformities, acute trauma and fractures, and total ankle replacements.. Book an appointment today for an accurate assessment and treatment of your foot and ankle condition.


Bryant S. Ho, M.D.
Dr. Bryant S. Ho is board-certified in orthopaedic surgery and received comprehensive training in the operative and non-operative management of adolescent and adult foot and ankle disorders. He is highly active in both clinical and biomechanical research, and has published numerous articles and book chapters on orthopaedic foot and ankle care. His research has been presented globally across North America, Europe and Asia. Dr. Ho places a strong emphasis on customizing his care for each patient to ensure successful outcomes. He treats all disorders of the foot and ankle including arthritis, tendon ruptures, foot and ankle deformities, acute trauma and fractures, repair of non-unions, total ankle replacements and repair of cartilage lesions.